Creating Crafts & Memories at MOA’s Culture Club – UBC Inspired

Culture Club is the Museum of Anthropology’s monthly program designed for families, and supported through UBC Inspired (part of Campus + Community Planning). Originally piloted in 2022, Culture Club recently returned following MOA’s temporary closure for seismic upgrades. Held on the last Sunday of each month from 11am to 2pm, each session facilitates fun and engaging activities that every generation can enjoy. For February, the Culture Club session was titled “Tiny Manifesto” and explored self-expression and storytelling through zine-making.
On February 23rd, families gathered together in the Museum of Anthropology to create zines of different sizes, themes, and colors. This marked the second Culture Club session of this year, a monthly program curated by the Museum of Anthropology and supported through UBC Inspired. Designed for families to engage in creative and hands-on learning opportunities, Culture Club sessions are hosted through a drop-in format where participants can stay as long or as short as they want.
The programming’s intergenerational focus is intentional – Hana Amani, the museum’s Educational Programming Assistant says, “My main consideration is that it has to be intergenerational… It builds creativity between generations, and no one feels isolated in the activity, that in of itself is community building.” As the children and their guardians shared their zines with each other, any passer-by would agree that the goal was achieved. The prepared arts and craft materials, relaxing music and encouraging guides all contributed to the collaborative and easy-going atmosphere that allowed participants to comfortably explore their creativity and ideas.
Culture Club, while just one of many activities at the Museum of Anthropology, is one of the few curated for children and their families specifically. As testified by one participant, “Programs like these are what make the Museum of Anthropology more enjoyable and accessible for kids. It’s a great way to attract families to the museum.” Through programs like Culture Club, children are able to form their own relationship with the museum in ways that are appealing and comfortable to them.
Culture Club is just one of many collaborative community programs supported by UBC Inspired. UBC Inspired funds and delivers community programs that help campus feel more vibrant and connected – creating a UBC experience not just for students but for every resident on campus to enjoy. Culture Club is a direct result of the collaboration between the Museum of Anthropology and UBC Inspired, demonstrating that dynamic partnerships between campus units help build a stronger and more in-touch community.
Interested in taking part in Culture Club? Check out the schedule on the MOA website and join us for the next session!