Grant Project Leader Toolkit
Welcome to the Project Leader’s Toolbox!
Welcome to the Project Leader’s Toolbox, an online collection of resources and information to guide you through the implementation of your project. If you have further questions or wish to contribute content to this page, please reach out to your grant contact.
Funding Terms and Conditions
Congratulations on recieving an Inspiring Community Grant!
When you accept your grant, you agree to the following terms & conditions when implementing your project:
1. Track all expenses and keep receipts
- You are responsible for keeping proof of payments (i.e. invoices and receipts) to account for all project expenses and submitting copies in with your project report.
- Please label all receipts to indicate what the funds were used for
- Honorarium payments can be made using etransfer or asking the recipient to provide an invoice. For etransfers, proof of payment can be a screenshot of the etransfer payment confirmation.
- Unused funds must be returned to the grant program, no later than one month after project completion. Instructions on returning funds are outlined in the project report.
2. Share the Inspiring Community Grant Program in your promotions
When promoting your project in print or online, you agree to acknowledge the support of the Inspiring Community Grant using one of these options:
- a sentence that links to the grant webpage (utown.ubc.ca/inspiringcommunity):
“We gratefully acknowledge Inspiring Community Grants for their financial support of our project.”
“This community project is made possible by the Inspiring Community Grant.”
- the UBC Inspired logo, which will be sent with your grant letter. *Please show any materials with the UBC Inspired logo to your staff contact before publishing (allow a minimum of two business days for turnaround).
Take a look at sample poster designs from these projects (featuring the previous UTown@UBC logo): Indigenous Storytelling at Acadia Park and Seeds for Growth .
Before promoting or launching your project, please check in with the staff contact from your acceptance letter. For any media coverages, please inform your staff contact.
3. Submit a project report within 30 days of completing your project.
Finished your project? Submit your Inspiring Community Grant Report here
- While the project report and documentation submission is a requirement of your funding, it is also an opportunity for you to reflect about your project impact and learnings as a project leader. Sharing your story inspires others to get involved in their community!
- Upon completion of your project, gather any notes from your project, quotes from participants, photos and proof of payments.
- *Grant reports are due within one month of completing your project.
- You can also upload a short story of your grant project to the regional NSG network.
For more inspiration to build out your project, check out these resources:
- Stories of past grant projects by grant leaders like you
- Accessible and Inclusive Event Planning Guide & Checklist from UBC Equity & Inclusion Office
Projects should aim to reach as many members in the UBC, UNA and Musqueam communities. Here are some starting points to get the word out about your project:
To reach the general community:
Use Social Media:
- Promote through our @ubcinspired channel on Facebook | Instagram. To request promotions across the @UBCinspired social channels, please email info.inspired@ubc.ca with a graphic and caption. Staff will review your request and contact you to finalize details.
- Tag @UBCInspired in your grant-related social media posts and use some of the official grant hashtags: #communityatUBC #neighbourhoodsmallgrants #NSGStories
Submit to Newsletters:
- For content submission to newsletters, submit content at least 3-4 weeks in advance to ensure a greater liklihood of being picked up.
Print Posters:
- Print posters and post them around the community. Please request permission from local businesses and facilities beforehand and ensure you set a calendar reminder to take down the posters after your project.
Connect with online communities:
- Minivillage is a local community platform supporting hundreds of residents in the UBC area. Minivillage helps everyone meet their neighbours through sharing skills, resources and interests. Like you, residents on the Minivillage platform are community builders and create fun events for neighbours to get together. Interested in joining the Minivillage community? Learn more here.
- To promote your project with Minivillage, contact the team at support@minivillage.ca.
To reach UBC Students, faculty, staff:
- UBC Events – Add your project to the UBC Events online calendar.
- There are various faculties and departmental newsletters to consider; please reach out to the Grant Program coordinator for details.
To reach Musqueam Community:
- Reach out to the Musqueam Indian Band through their Contact Us page
To reach University Neighbourhood Association (UNA):
- UNA Community Newsletter Requirements.pdf – Submit content to the weekly UNA Community Newsletter
To reach Acadia Park Family Residence:
- Contact the Grant Program coordinator
Storytelling is an important component to your grant project and a requirement to include in your final report. Consider these methods to capture the details of your project:
- Formal or informal surveys
- Interviews with participants and use their comments as testimonials in your report (with permission from individual).
- Observations and metrics, such as number of attendees, kits distributed, etc.
Invite our team to help tell your project story! Our staff members enjoy attending grant projects to take photos and interview project leaders for spotlight stories on our blog. If you would like your project featured in a story, like the Mooncake Festival, Arducamp, or Fun with M & M, please email info.inspired@ubc.ca with your event details (date, time, location, contact person).
Please note: When taking photos, videos, screenshots, or any other forms of media that include participants, media consent must be collected. To collect media consent from participants, please use this template form or create your own using online survey tools, such as Qualtrics or Google forms.
What project leaders have to say:
Minhye, Multicultural Crochet Club“After the project ended, someone brought up the idea of creating a WhatsApp group to continue to keep in touch each other, so we’re still keep in touch and planning to our further plans of this group.” —
Jessica, Watercolour Painting Workshop“Seeking guidance was really helpful to discuss not only the grant process, but also ideas and strategies surrounding logistics of the project and even areas like promoting fairness when taking in registration (with a lot of interest from the community). Leveraging social media is also key. With too much lead time, it might make folks forget closer to the project date, so I have found that the sweet spot is about 2 weeks. I also poll those who express interest for their most convenient times/dates, before fixing the event time/date. This also enables those who aren’t able to make it to still indicate their interest.” —